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Machado Pinto launches new website image

Today we are pleased to present the new website of Machado Pinto! Under the brand renewal and new line of actions planned for the Pinto Machado, we present a new website with new features, with a modern presentation and a more intuitive and direct navigation. The new website and brand were developed by Infinit Colours™ agency. Renovated with a view to be able to easily see the information about us and our products, the new site appears as an important communication tool to our visitors and customers.

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Machado Pinto distinguished as “PME Excelência 2014” standard

The company Machado Pinto & Co. Ltd, “PME líder” since 2009, now has the distinction of “PME Excelência 2014” a reputable seal created by IAPMEI to positively discriminate the segment of small and medium enterprises with the best performance. This Statute, awarded in partnership with the major banks operating in the country and the Turism of Portugal, IAPMEI signals small and medium higher profile companies, the importance of their contributions to the economy, employment and the development of its regions. It is therefore with great pride the company to receive this distinction.

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